Refund and Cancellation Policy

Refund and Cancellation Policies

  • Full refund if you cancel anytime before the morning of your second scheduled class
    (You may cancel until the morning of your second scheduled class for full refund. Notice must be received prior to the start of the second class)
  • No program fee refunds after second class except in special circumstances at the discretion of gym administration
  • No refunds for processing fees after the start of the third class under any circumstances
  • No refunds or makeup classes for failing to attend classes
  • No refunds for removal from a class due to behaviour or illness

Cancellation / Withdrawal and Transfers

  • Cancellation or program withdrawal must be received no later than the 15th of a month to cancel at the end of that month and prevent the following month’s payment.
  • With a coach recommendation, you may transfer to a higher or lower level program at any time and your monthly payment will be re-calculated accordingly. Should there be an overage in what you had already paid, a credit for the difference will be provided.

Snow Days (Unexpected Short Closures)

  • One “Snow Day” is allocated per 10 scheduled classes of the total registration period that you do not pay for. These are intended for unforeseen class cancellations should they occur. If we do not cancel any classes, you get these free. If we are forced to cancel more than the allocated “Snow days”, you will receive a refund for overage of cancelled classes

Emergency Shutdowns/Health Restrictions

In the event of an emergency closure due to government restrictions, mandated closures (eg. Covid-19 restrictions) or acts of God (Floods, Earthquake, etc);

  • If the disruption is likely to be short-term (less than 3 months):
    • Monthly payment plans will be paused and re-calculated when they resume
    • Disrupted classes will be rescheduled at the soonest possible dates
    • Refunds and/or credits may be considered on a case-by case basis
  • If the disruption may be long-term (3 months or more)
    • Future Monthly payments will be stopped
    • Credits for a future registration will be issued for any remaining classes already paid for
    • For monthly plans, any remaining “Snow Days” will be pro-rated into credits issued